| Video by Christian Bodhi from Pixabay |

At-Home DIY Science Fair: 34 Experiments for Curious Families

E. Silvers
7 min readAug 7, 2024


| Video by Christian Bodhi from Pixabay |

Science is present all around the globe, patiently waiting to be revealed through various forms. Its possibilities are endless, and its journey is always just beginning.

With these 34 simple and easy science experiments, you will discover the enormous world of science firsthand, all within the comfort of your own home.

Each experiment can be conducted independently or with others, offering flexibility for all ages and interests.

Get ready to raise your eyebrows at these neat little science experiments.

Friends, family, strangers!

Embrace the awe in every detail, and have fun experimenting!

Science is nifty.

Number #01. Fizzy Fun with Baking Soda



E. Silvers

Self-published multi-genre author of fictional book series, screenplays, and short stories who enjoys studying religion, science, and language. | esilvers.com